PuRY Spacial eXplosion LED Glove Set

Rave Gloves,Custom Glovesets


This is one of our coolest glovesets, the incredible microlights come together in an awesome display of lightshow, and exquisite, bright flashing lightshow. The Spacial eXplosion set comes with 10 3 color micro-lights in Red, Yellow, and Purple. They come in your choice of All Strobe (Dashed pattern in motion), All Ribbon (streaking in motion), or a mix of 5 ribbon and 5 strobe.

If you’d like to make each light spread just a little more go ahead and add some diffusers to your gloveset. These things never fail to impress. Also if you’re worried about running out of juice in the middle of a lightshow, grab some extra batteries right here from us!

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