TrYptiX Mens Luxury Fur Vest

Mens Rave Outfits and Apparel,Featured Products,Clothing,Burning Man Gear,Vests

$89.95 $20.00
TrYptiX Men's long pile luxury fur vest for your next rave, festival, burning man, EDM, EDC, halloween... Faux fur men's vest is made of monster fur. The vest is fully lined for a professional and comfortable finish. This fluffy vest will be a perfect accessory to your rave or festival outfit. This luxury faux fur vest is a men's size medium/large; it will fit a chest measurement of 42-44", and measures 23" from the back neckline to the hem. Each Vest comes with an interior pocket for storing your valuables, as well as a few buttons for keeping tight, or letting free!

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