Brand New to Rave-Nation, Head Kandi manufactures the highest quality of cyber falls at an affordable price. Solely unique to Head Kandi these combination sets are the boldest and biggest cyber falls that perfectly compliments any amazing outfit. Each set is sewn onto a black spandex headband making it easy to wear. Like the headset cyber falls the combination sets come in lengths from 12" to 30"
Liquorice- Non Metallic Red, Non Metallic White, Non Metallic Black with thread and Mini Metallic Red cyberlox (25")
Dragon Fruit- Metallic Fuchsia, Metallic Kiwi and Metallic Fuchsia with Opal stripe cyberlox (25")
Chocolate Spirit- Metallic Black and Non Metallic Black with thread cyberlox (30")
Spiked Punch- Metallic Real Red and Non Metallic White cyberlox. Spiked Punch in a little different from the typical combination set as it offers a much shorter pigtail attachment for a spunky look (25")
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