Fiber Optic Light Up Waistcoat

Mens Rave Outfits and Apparel,Featured Products,Cool Stuff,Light Up Clothing,Light up Accessories,Vests,Fiber Optic Clothing and Accessories


This vest is fiber optic and lights up via a rechargeable battery pack. The battery pack can be controlled via an included remote, or by pressing the mode button.

The vest is a nice white color when unlit and looks amazing whether its on or off! There's a small 1'' Metal clasp that will keep the waistcoat snug and closed. On the back is an adjustable waist-strap as well.

This vest has Red, Green, Blue, and White and all of the colors in between. You can choose to strobe, flash, fade, or have a nice smooth transition between the colors! You can also choose you favorite solid lit color and leave it!

If you have any questions about sizing, please don't hesitate to contact us!

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