Hula Hoops
Amazing and beautiful, these high quality LED hoops are great for camping, festivals, concerts and so much more. Comes with a 6 month warranty on LEDs, solder joints and battery terminals. Please Read below for our warranty on our hoops.
LED Hoops Warranty
We guarantee our incredible hoops internals for 6 months, that includes LEDs, solder joints and battery terminal. Even after your warranty is up please contact us with any concerns you have and we’ll do out best to help you out! We take pride in our customer service.
The warranty does not cover kinked, creased or bent tubes, our tubes are very strong and should not be damaged even by strong impacts from hooping. With this in mind please remember not to coil your hoop all the way when storing or transporting it, as that could cause kinks or other damage. Coil your hoop in the same manner it was shipped to you. Your warranty will not cover hoops damaged by coiling. Also it will not cover damages if you disassemble your hoop.
Please remember to only use one battery in your hoop at a time, using two can damage your hoop and voids your warranty!
If your tubing is cracked or kinked and you’d like new tubing please let us know and we can figure out a way to repair it for a fee.
This warranty applies to the HDPE tubing and PolyPro tubing.
Dissasemble your hoop (or try to).
Kink, crease or bend your hoop.
Coil your hoop ALL THE WAY (please coil it in the same way it was shipped to you).
Damage it while coiling it or disassembling your hoop.
Using more than one battery at a time in your hoop
But also please don’t forget to contact us with any problems you have and we will try our very best to get you the help you need.
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